Talia's Blog

Just testing out Blogger as a potential new blogger software.

Sunday 27 December 2009

Publishing via FTP

Blogger (service)Image via Wikipedia
Unsure about publishing via FTP using Blogger. It doesn't allow you to edit the layout of the site as you could if you had a paid for domain pointing towards blogspot or you hosted the site on Blogspot itself.
I really do wish to keep my www.talia-tokugawa.co.uk domain pointed towards some actual web space as I have many use for said space that using the domain name to point at Blogspot would preclude. This leaves me with two possible options, the purchase of a second domain for the blog, or making some snazzy little script to clone the site from Blogspot onto my site. It is somewhat annoying that publishing via FTP does not allow for full theme editing as a standard. Ah well can't have everything. This really is the point of this experimentation into Blogger, to try establish these shortfalls.

Testing Zenmanta

Google Chrome IconImage via Wikipedia
Experimenting with the Zenmanta Content extension for Chrome. Really just testing out what I can do with the Blogger backend.
Another interesting little doohicky to aid in the writing of blog posts. Associates my various networks with the blog writing page so I have references on hand based on what I am writing...
I've linked up my Twitter, Google Feedreader and hopefully my Farcebork. I like the idea of having something suggest references as I write, yet I have not seen anything that I have really got on with.
Zenmanta is looking like it could be interesting but it seems as if I need to let it run for a little while before it really picks up on my social networking sites.
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My Blog List

Added the top 10 most recently updated blogs of the 110 blogs I follow to my sidebar..
Still looking through all the other possibilities for attaining the social networking singularity that blogging via Blogger may potentially enable.
Also looking at ways to import my Wordpress blog...

Testing Image Uploads from Picassa.

Testing Image Uploads
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Saturday 26 December 2009

Testing Blogger

Just experimenting with Blogger...